CoopHive is the easiest, fastest and most reliable way to run decentralized compute jobs, including AI, on the Protocol Labs tech stack.

$ time hive run sdxl:v0.2.9 -i PromptEnv="PROMPT=a new hexagonal beehive in space - futuristic"
real	0m29.034s

Our promise: Sub-30 second SDXL inference, every time.

We are here and ready to help, join us on discord:

CoopHive is a two-sided marketplace for computational resources. It enables users to run computational workloads in a permissionless protocol, where anyone can get paid to connect their compute nodes to the network and run jobs.

It uses an EVM-compatible blockchain to manage agreed job state and payment and use bacalhau to manage the compute nodes.

Getting started

Halcyon Testnet

The testnet has a base curency of ETH and you will also get HIVE to pay for jobs (and nodes to stake).


Network name: CoopHive Halcyon testnet
New RPC URL: <>
Chain ID: 1337
Currency symbol: ETH
Block explorer URL: (leave blank)

Fund your Wallet with ETH and HIVE

To obtain funds, go to

The faucet will give you both ETH (to pay for gas) and HIVE (to stake and pay for jobs).

Install CLI

Download the latest release of hive for your platform. Both the amd64/x86_64 and arm64 variants of macOS and Linux are supported. (If you are on Apple Silicon, you'll want arm64).

Nb: to check your version use which hive - if an old version run rm <path> to remove that path then reinstall newest version

The commands below will automatically detect your OS and processor architecture and download the correct build for your machine.

# Detect your machine's architecture and set it as $OSARCH
OSARCH=$(uname -m | awk '{if ($0 ~ /arm64|aarch64/) print "arm64"; else if ($0 ~ /x86_64|amd64/) print "amd64"; else print "unsupported_arch"}') && export OSARCH
# Detect your operating system and set it as $OSNAME
OSNAME=$(uname -s | awk '{if ($1 == "Darwin") print "darwin"; else if ($1 == "Linux") print "linux"; else print "unsupported_os"}') && export OSNAME