Filecoin Sustainability FAQ

Here’s a guide prepared by Filecoin Green, describing the sustainability of Filecoin as of January 2023. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Alan Ransil: [email protected] or @alanransil on Filecoin slack.

(1) Filecoin uses about 120 MW of electricity, which is about 1.37% of Bitcoin’s electricity use. (Updated 1/11/2023)

(2) The energy used to run Filecoin is not wasted: it is used to contribute storage capacity to the network.

(3) Storing data on Filecoin currently uses about 115% as much energy as storing in a typical data center (January 2023) and the energy efficiency improves as the network grows.

(4) We are ramping up our ability to help build new solar generation, including a $38M fund to build new solar projects in the US, to produce at least as much renewable energy for the grid as the network consumes.

(5) We are connecting Filecoin to renewable energy markets and sourced more renewable energy than the network estimated use through the end of 2022.